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Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 363 of 368 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1189 of /var/www/html/includes/

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Highlighted term: discípulo

discípulo | Esteban, Fernando - Reglas de canto plano - 1410 - f30v[p169] - p169]

Text with highlighted terms

Otrosi deues saber que la rrason por q[ue] aq[ue]llos q[ua]tro tonos susodichos son llamados maestros es, por q[ue] suben mas. E los disçiplos son llamados disçiplos [sic]que suben menos.

This content is based on this quotation (old content)


Estevan, Reglas, 1410, f30v[p169]